One Amazing Person Shirt by Ryan North
Written in consultation with my Actual Doctor friend, this shirt has fully-accurate information on how amazing you really are. We really did do all the research and calculate all the math. Did you know that if someone ate you they'd gain about 110,000 calories of awesome with over 73000% of their recommended daily intake of Vitamin A? Did you know you come complete with about 6L of air contained in a matching set of meaty carrying cases, 1000 different species of bacteria on your skin alone, one (1) SPOOKY SKELETON, and one (1) liver, uncooked? Because you do! Look, you're amazing. We all know it. NOW.
Because you bought this shirt.
Screenprinted on...
Standard: Hanes Beefy Tee (5180) or Next Level n6210 in Charcoal Heather, and Womens: Bella Jersey Tee (6000) in Deep Heather. Poly/Cotton Blend
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